Santa leaving a Michigan home.

As the days in Michigan grow shorter and the air turns crisper, there's no denying that winter is gradually but surely making its entrance. The streets in the Great Lakes State are adorned with a picturesque blanket of glistening frost, and the scent of wood-burning fireplaces wafts through the air. With each passing day, it becomes increasingly evident that Christmas is just around the corner, enveloping Michigan in the enchanting spirit of the season.

The anticipation of Santa's arrival is truly exhilarating! As children, we used to marvel at the idea of Santa landing on our roofs, thinking it was the coolest thing. Now, as adults, our concerns shift towards the condition of our shingles when Santa touches down. But fret not, we're here to ensure your holiday season remains stress-free. At Kearns Brothers, we've got your back. In this blog, we'll discuss how to prepare your roof for Santa's visit and guarantee that everything runs seamlessly.

Roof Visibility

We can all agree that the weather around Christmas time in Michigan can be as unpredictable as a playful game of chance. However, one thing's for certain: a clear and well-lit path for Santa's sleigh not only ensures he won't miss a house, but it also adds to the holiday magic. String up some twinkling lights, clear away any snow or debris, and make sure the chimney is Santa-ready for a magical Michigan holiday season.

Clear the Trees and the Gutters

While snow-covered trees create the perfect social media picture in Michigan, it's crucial to trim back branches or trees that extend over your roof. These overhanging limbs are prone to accumulating snow and ice, which, during the winter, may fall, potentially obstructing the path for Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and, of course, Rudolph, during their globe-trotting adventures. Additionally, keeping your rooftop clear is a surefire way to safeguard your home from any unexpected surprises throughout the holiday season.

In the wintertime, persistent leaves tend to stick to your roof and clog your gutters. Damp leaves can trap moisture, potentially causing roof leaks that could extend into your living space. Not only that, but moist leaves might also pose a risk to Santa's reindeer! It's essential to clear any gutter blockages, ensuring that melted snow has a clear path to drain away, guaranteeing a worry-free holiday season in Michigan.

Elevating Your Winter Season: Kearns Brothers Special Connection with Santa

At Kearns Brothers, we've always had a special connection with Santa, and it's not just because we both have a keen eye for rooftops! Our commitment to roofing excellence and our dedication to keeping homes safe and cozy during the winter season have made us close allies with the man in red. With Santa's endorsement, we're geared up to make this holiday season and winter extraordinary for you. Our expert team is ready to ensure your roof is in prime condition, allowing you to welcome the magic of Christmas.