Getting a free estimate on your roof sounds like a good deal. And a qualified roofer will take a good look at your roof and arrive at a quote on how much repairs and replacements could amount to. But the catch is: they are not looking at anything but the current condition of your roof. This means that any hidden signs of damage are going to remain hidden unless you call for a roofing inspection. In this article, a roof installation contractor discusses the difference between roof estimate and inspection, and how to determine which one you need. 

What Is A Roofing Estimate?

A roofing estimate is usually a free service offered by a roofing contractor to help them puzzle out the probable costs of the roofing project. Homeowners request roofing estimates when they are certain that the roof is suffering from mild to serious problems and needs to be replaced. They call a local roofer to assess the roof and quote them on the price. In the event that you accept the offer without arranging for an inspection and the contractor finds underlying issues while working on your roof, the initial quote will naturally spike up.

What Is A Roofing Inspection? 

A roofing inspection is incredibly valuable since it allows you to discover the complete state of your roof and other parts connected to it. If you are not confident whether you need a quick, simple roof repair or a total re-roofing, hire a roofing inspector to visit your property and meticulously examine the structure from the shingles to the ceilings and rafters of your home.

Keep in mind that inspections are often carried out by paid contractors. Though some services are more in-depth than others, all of them strive to detect issues such as cracked shingles, leaks, mildew, rot and other moisture-related damage. It is best not to skimp out on necessary services just to save a few bucks so your roof can remain stable for many years to come.

Kearns Brothers is a premier source of top-rated roofing solutions in and around Dearborn and Detroit, MI. Our staff aims to provide quality products and services that can ensure a safer and more comfortable living space for you and your family. Call us today at (888) 355-6700 or fill out our contact form to set up an appointment!